歓迎 | Welcome
Since 2019, 22 Wagyu has been producing only the very best when it comes to 100% Full Blood Wagyu. We are proud of our genetic lines, as they trace directly to foundation Japanese sires and dams. Our Herd is DNA Verified and Registered with the American Wagyu Association, Member 5324 & 2773. Fun fact, there are only around 7,000 100% Full Blood Wagyu registered in the United States! As cattleman, we are tasked with taking care of the land, so we strive to be stewards of the gifts and resources God blessed us with. When it comes to local food, knowing your rancher, and understanding where your food comes from, there is no better example than 22 Wagyu. Our cattle are born and raised with only the best in animal husbandry, feed and cattle handling techniques. We take pride in ethically producing the very best beef in the world, at high altitude!